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10333 19th Avenue Southeast
Everett, WA, 98208

(425) 939-1550

Summer camps, pottery, drawing, painting, pottery and art classes for kids and adults. Art lessons Everett and art lessons mill creek. Explore our art classes and pottery classes today.

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A FEELartistic studio is a place for passionate artists and art lovers of all levels. We offer art online and studio art classes, pottery classes, glass fusing classes, and sculpting classes to all ages. We are across from Costco in Everett WA 98208

Can You Meditate Through Art? Here’s All You Need to Know About Art as Meditation

FEELartistic Studio

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding a moment of peace can seem like a distant dream. Traditional meditation is fantastic, but what if there was another way to find serenity? Art as Meditation is a great choice. This isn't just about painting pretty pictures, it's about a unique journey of self-discovery and tranquility. In this blog, we'll learn more about it -

Understanding Art as Meditation

When we talk about ‘Art as Meditation,’ we're referring to the idea of using the creative process as a pathway to mindfulness and inner calm. It's not about creating a masterpiece; it's about the journey of expression and discovery. Moreover, art as meditation invites you to be present in the moment, fully engaged in the act of creating.

The Therapeutic Power of Creativity

Art has a unique way of tapping into our emotions and thoughts. Whether you're doodling, painting, or sculpting, the creative process becomes a therapeutic outlet. It allows you to channel your feelings onto the canvas, paper, or clay, helping you gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

No Rules, Just Expression

One of the beautiful aspects of art as meditation is the absence of rules. There's no right or wrong way to do it. You don't need to be an art expert or follow a strict set of instructions. It's about expressing yourself freely. There's a sense of liberation in the unrestricted nature of artistic expression.

Mindful Brushstrokes and Color Choices

As you dive into the creative process, pay attention to your brushstrokes and color choices. Each stroke can be a deliberate, mindful action. Feel the brush in your hand, notice the texture of the paper or canvas, and immerse yourself in the act of creation. The colors you choose can also reflect your emotions and mood, creating a visual diary of your mental state.

Connecting with Your Breath

In traditional meditation, focusing on the breath is a common practice to anchor oneself in the present moment. In art as meditation, you can adopt a similar approach. Sync your brushstrokes with your breath. Inhale as you lift the brush, exhale as you bring it down. This synchronization adds a rhythmic and calming element to your creative process.

Letting Go of Perfectionism

One of the biggest roadblocks in both art and meditation is the pursuit of perfection. With art as meditation, there's no room for perfectionism. Remember, it's about the process, not the end result. Letting go of the need to create a flawless masterpiece allows you to experience the true essence of art as meditation.

Finding Stillness in Chaos

Life can be chaotic, and finding stillness within that chaos is a precious gift. Art as meditation provides a sanctuary where you can momentarily escape the noise of the outside world. It's your personal retreat, a space where time slows down, and you can connect with your inner self amidst the hustle.

Accessible to Everyone

The beauty of art as meditation lies in its accessibility. You don't need fancy art supplies or a dedicated studio. A piece of paper and a pen can be your meditation companions. It's a practice that welcomes everyone, irrespective of age or artistic skill. Whether you're a seasoned artist or a complete beginner, the benefits are equally profound.

Creating a Dedicated Space

While you can practice art as meditation anywhere, creating a dedicated space can enhance the experience. Set up a cozy corner with your art supplies, a comfortable chair, and good lighting. This designated area becomes a visual cue, signaling that it's time to disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with yourself through art.

Embarking on Your Artistic Meditation Journey

Ready to give it a try? Here's a simple guide to get you started -

  • Collect your preferred art materials – be it pencils, paints, or clay.

  • Decide on a theme or emotion you want to explore through your art.

  • Play some calming music or light a scented candle to create a serene atmosphere.

  • Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Start creating without any preconceived notions.

  • Once you've finished, take a moment to reflect on your creation. What emotions does it evoke? What did you learn about yourself through this process?

In Conclusion

Art as meditation is a doorway to a world where creativity and mindfulness intertwine. It's a journey of self-discovery, a practice that invites you to explore the depths of your emotions without judgment. So, the next time you find yourself yearning for a moment of calm, pick up that paintbrush or sculpting tool. Let the colors and forms guide you on a unique path of meditation through art, where every stroke is a step towards inner peace.

If you need expert guidance in this journey, you can rely on Feelartistic Studio to learn art forms like pottery, stained glass, and glass fusing. Feel free to visit the website to explore more!